Counselling Styles
At Soul Silhouette Healing, we believe in the inherent wisdom and organic intelligence of each person; an intelligence that strives to come back into balance no matter what influenced an imbalance to take hold. An important element of finding out inner attunement is that of looking into the aspects of our selves and our experiences that haven't had as much light shed on them and safely bring these tender parts of ourself into the light.
To help achieve this, we understand that each person will require, desire, and deserve an individualized healing experience. We've been inspired to train in a number of approaches we believe will help each person find just the right mix; we strive to create homeostasis in all aspects of self; whole self healing is the result when intellect, meaning making, emotional health, spiritual health and embodiment are nourished.
Somatic Experiencing
Somatic Experiencing is considered one of the most effective counselling methods to process trauma and other unresolved and stagnant experiences that have left behind physical, emotional and physiological residue. You can learn to understand and get to know your nervous system and how it has been impacted by life's experiences. This will help establish regulation and support to process these residues. You will feel more grounded, capable and resilient within yourself as you are supported to identify, process and emotionally digest uncomfortable, and often unrelenting, experiences. Somatic experiencing will help you process past traumas, remove or reduce anxiety, and reestablish a balanced emotional state along with a sense of well-being.

The Gottman Method
This approach is offered by Dana when working with Couples and Families. The Gottman Method begins with the completion of an empirically sound Relationship Assessment followed by the customized therapeutic plan to enhance the areas of the relationship that are strong and to grow and improve areas where there is conflict and disconnection. There are many tools and resources used in session and at home that will serve as a guide for couples to work through conflict in ways that will feel resolved and create closeness, strengthen and increase fondness and admiration and so much more.

Art Therapy
Art Therapy is an incredible therapeutic modality that invites a depth of expression, personal insight and processing. Art Therapy is a powerful tool to help explore the depths of oneself in ways that feel different than in conventional talk counselling. The art is both a representative and an extension of the self, allowing for meaningful recognition, self-awareness, growth and change to unfold. Truly, no artistic skill is required - stick people drawings are welcome! Art Therapy is not focused on an artistic result. The focus rests on self-expression and exploration through a creative medium.